About Us

About Us

Have you been searching for the perfect church? Keep looking. Each and every congregation offers numerous similarities, yet all churches differ in various ways as well. Same here.

The Redemption Center Church
Pastor and Jan May

We are a multicultural gathering with a loving approach to fellowship, and an attentive approach to followship. Attracting an interdenominational mixture, we respectively experience Christian diversity all with biblical unity. That explains us quite well. Our worship style reflects this synchronism too, for our music combines the contemporary with the sacred, the jubilant with the intimate. Above all, God is ever glorified as we raise our voices and our hands to extol His unfailing goodness over our lives.

Our view of the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, puts us in a charismatic framework, although we remain theologically evangelical. Holy Scripture and Holy Spirit are not separate dynamics for us, rather they are complements to guide and bless the modern participator.

Has typical church disappointed you? Here at The Redemption Center we recycle. Come and be with us and enjoy a setting of freedom and peace, joy and Presence, anointing and prayer, power and grace. We look forward to meeting you. May God bless you on your journey…

Rev. Dr. Neal W. May

Neal W. May holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary and has served as a Senior Pastor for 40 years.  He attended Kent State University in the turbulent 60s and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a minor in education. As a seasoned minister, Dr. May has experienced the balance of both Spirit and Word, illumination and reason.

He was Founder and President of Hosanna Bible Training Center and instructor of Biblical Interpretation and Contemporary Preaching. In addition, he continues to serve as an adjunct professor for Ashland Seminary where he has taught Small Group Ministry, Communication and Conflict in the Church, and Archaeology of the New Testament.